Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fluorescent Rocks...

You gotta hand it to Mother Nature. Take a look at this magnificent image of mineral under an ultraviolet light. Fluorescent substances absorb light, and like ultraviolet light the then permeate a lower energy light. The result of this is only partially seen by the naked eye and create an beautiful image of mother natures natural resources. These colours have been know to inspire recent pantones neon range.

Altogether, there are 47 mineral illustrated in this image. They are taken from all four corners of out planet. It is hard to pick favourite but top three (not in order) include the turquoise /green striated mineral, top row, four in the left 'Achat Druse' found in Utah, USA. Middle row, four or five in from left, speckled flourescent blue namely 'Dripstone' found in Lykia, Turkey. Thirdly, same row one in from right 'Calcit xx in Toneisenstein (Septarie)' - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Truly beautiful...all of them.

Photo by Hannes Grobe.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010